




C Rules




C League Home Page
Welcome to the "C" League Web site. The buttons at left will take you to pages of interest. Many pages will have links to PDF documents that may be opened using Acrobat Reader, a free software from A link to obtain that software is included here:


Rule Changes: 1) 7-partnership teams and
2) allowance for top two match positions to be up to 4.0 USTA rated players

Next League Meeting 7PM Wed., Aug. 21, 2013 at Deercreek CC: Agenda
2013-2014 schedule to be published after Meeting

2013 Tournament Results
Final: Sun. 2/24: HH at PVGCC: PVGCC won 4-2
Congratulations to PVGCC, Champion third year in a row and to
Runner-up HH. Consolation match results:
PVIC at SM: PVIC won 4-3 in a play-off tie breaker 10-8.

2012-2013 Schedule: Match Reports and Rankings (click here)

Remember: In absence of our own Rule, local USTA Rule states that if a team forfeits more than 3 matches (not to be confused with positions within a single date match), it forfeits all season scores. Please make sure you fill out your match day roster to avoid any problems.

Download Acrobat here:

Note to Captain's and Pro's: Please use the "Contact" button to access
e-mail function. You may e-mail, mail or fax match results or any comments or concerns.